


歡迎來台中!這座由夢築起的鋼筋混凝土城市,與其一同升息的快速經濟發展與人文扮演著重要的角色。作為南北向交通中繼站,人文磚瓦堆砌成的牆,劇作家Israel Zangwill眼中的融合文化由我們重新詮釋。

Taichung, a concrete jungle where dreams are made of, was heavily influenced by its fast growing economy and its culture. Centrally located in the western half of Taiwan, this vigorous city is a melting pot of cultures and heritage. The cultural integration in the eyes of Israel Zangwill is redefine by Calligraphy Greenway Taichung.



Modern and Everlasting


走入草務道文旅Calligraphy Greenway Taichung,滿是藏於細節中的心意。粗獷、神秘、極簡的設計,搭配黑鐵、木作、訂製燈、皮革,復古的溫度令人想起古時美好的製作工藝,找回過往與時代潮流的情感。是簡單樸實,亦是結合視覺美感的華麗空間

As you walk into Calligraphy Greenway Taichung where thoughtful details abound, the hotel presents the rough, mysterious and pure Loft style throughout lighting, woodworks, leathers, and ironworks. Every piece of artwork serves as a reminder of the glorious past, allowing you to rediscover the connection between the good old days and the present day in such a place of magnificent simplicity.



An Evolving City



Surrounded by neon lights, greenery, and vibrant markets, Calligraphy Greenway is a unique place where an endless stream of people and ideas blend together. If you want to look for a romantic getaway, have fun with your besties or spend quality time with your family, this is the place that makes you feel the most inspired and alive.



WAH! Service



We aim to provide extraordinary and thoughtful service to ensure each of our guest enjoy their stay. Our staff members can offer good advice on everything you would love to know. If you are looking for a perfect accommodation, choose one with warm hospitality and be refreshed by how welcoming it all feels.


匠心獨具的設計巧思,榮獲英國SBID-International Design Awards設計大獎殊榮,打造傲視西區的酒店新視野。

Winner of the SBID International Design Awards, Calligraphy Greenway Taichung brings a new aspect with its stylish and astonishing design that outshines everything in West District, Taichung City.



Whether you are a knowledge worker, the creative class, the middle class or a wandering artist who travels for fun or just wants to snug in bed for a good night’s sleep, let your dream begin and explore every exciting journey with us.




More Information:http://www.designhotel.com.tw/

RSVN:+886 4 3501 9388 / cghotel512@gmail.com





  • 電話

    (04) 3501-9388

  • 地址

    台中市西區No. 512, Yingcai Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan


  • 中文語言服務
  • 中餐廳
  • 台語語言服務
  • 全面禁煙
  • 免費上網服務
  • 無障礙
  • 會議廳
  • 機場接送收費
  • 英文語言服務






地址:台中市西區No. 512, Yingcai Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan

電話:(04) 3501-9388

  • 入住日
  • 房間數
  • 成人